Yes, I have officially hit the "CANKLES" stage. I have heard all the jokes and have gotten all the guff for it from, "You look like you've sprained your ankle...S", "Boy, those look like they are going to burst," to "You poor thing" and my personal favorite, "Maybe you should put your feet up....." YOU THINK???
S-A-W: Spells R-E-L-I-E-F! This doesn't look like it would hurt all that bad. I think they are onto something here. A peg leg is attractive, right? No more shaving...
ewwwww- the saw picture is so gross! :) But I remember being right where you are and not thinking that would be a bad idea either! IGNOR rude people making comments, they are jelous because you are such a beautiful prego lady! It's almost over! Sorry I didn't make it to the shower, I don't make it to eastern Idaho very often! I did pick out super cute stuff for him and need to get it made, so I'll see ya when he gets here! :) Did you pick out a name for sure yet?
you still have GREAT hair!! :) Being pregnant in August just sucks and there's nothing more you can say. just a few more weeks - It's amazing how fast the swelling goes down. Hang in there.
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