Monday, February 8, 2010

Keep Quivering That Lower Lip Manning!!

Well, I am happy to say that BALL BABY Manning LOST!! Last night Nate and I made this shirt for him to wear to work today for two gentlemen who said that Manning wouldn't lose. WAY TO GO SAINTS!


Nate and Lana Hope said...

THE SAINTS ARE COMIN'!!! That shirt is GREAT! We wanted the Saints to win too! They are Trenton's fav! It was a great game!
(Yep, I am still planning on emailing you instructions and so, but I have a few questions and need to get a hold of the friend that taught me how before I lead you in the wrong direction!:) Hope soon!) :)

Jenna said...

Did you notice how he stomped off the field at the end without congratulating anyone!? HE really is a baby. Nick wanted to call in and razz a few guys today too - I'm glad Nate is getting the job done! :)